Vol. 9 No. 1 (2017): Archives of Public Health
Public Health

Incidence and prevalence of thyroid carcinoma in Republic of Macedonia (1999-2010)

Тања (Tanja) Маказлиева (Makazlieva)
Institute for Pathophysiology and Nuclear Medicine, Medical Faculty, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje
Оливија (Olivija) Васкова (Vaskova)
Институт за патофизиологија и нуклеарна медицина, Медицински факултет, Универзитет "Св. Кирил и Методиј", Скопје
Тони (Toni) Трипуноски (Tripunoski)
Институт за патофизиологија и нуклеарна медицина, Медицински факултет, Универзитет "Св. Кирил и Методиј", Скопје
Венјамин (Venjamin) Мајсторов (Majstorov)
Институт за патофизиологија и нуклеарна медицина, Медицински факултет, Универзитет "Св. Кирил и Методиј", Скопје

Published 2017-08-19


  • thyroid carcinoma,
  • epidemiology,
  • incidence rate,
  • prevalence rate,
  • mortality

How to Cite

Маказлиева (Makazlieva) Тања (Tanja), Васкова (Vaskova) Оливија (Olivija), Трипуноски (Tripunoski) Тони (Toni), Мајсторов (Majstorov) Венјамин (Venjamin). Incidence and prevalence of thyroid carcinoma in Republic of Macedonia (1999-2010). Arch Pub Health [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];9(1):66-73. Available from: https://id-press.eu/aph/article/view/1259


Epidemiological data indicates that  thyroid carcinoma (TC)  is the most frequent endocrinological tumors, participating with around 1%  from all malignomas. Because of lack of published papers related to the epidemiological data for TC in the last two decades in our country especially after the introduction of corrected Iodine prophylaxis program, with new higher Iodine supplementation in 1999, there is a need for publishing real scientific view of the epidemiological situations. The aim of the study was to present epidemiological data on incidence and prevalence rate of TC in R Macedonia for the period 1999-2010. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of medical data from all diagnosed and treated TC at the Institute of Pathophysiology and Nuclear Medicine during the period 1999-2010 was performed. The Institute is the only Center performing treatment  of TC with 131I, therefore the registered epidemiological data are representative for the country. Statistical State Office data from the census in 1994 and 2002 were used to calculate annual incidence and prevalence rate as well as geographical and ethnic country distribution of TC. Results: During 12-year period, a total of 204 TC cases were registered, with prevalence rate of 10.15/105. The highest incidence rate was detected in 2000  (1.18/105) followed by reduction in 2003 (0,49/105). Annual incidence rate showed continuously higher incidence rate in the period 2006-2010 with average incidence rate of 0.98/105. Results indicate quite similar incidence rate among the three ethnic groups while the regional distribution indicates the  highest prevalence in Skopje region, East and Northeast region than Southwest region. The lowest prevalence rate was registered in Polog, Southeast and Pelagonia region. Conclusions: According to the analyzed data from the diagnosed patients with TC during the period1999 – 2010, there is increase in the incidence and prevalence rate, but however compared with the literature is still very low. Major differences in morbidity rate concerning the ethnic distribution were not found. Related to the geographical distribution of TC in eight regions, the highest prevalence rate was found in northern and eastern parts, while the lowest in western territories. Further analyzes are needed to compare it with the previous epidemiological data in the country, as well as an analysis for possible environmental effects for the low incidence rate, compared to those from literature.


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