Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Archives of Public Health
Public Health

Toxic elements in rice, wheat flour and wheat flour products from the macedonian market

Nadica Todorovska
Military Medical Centar, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Suzana Dinevska-Kjofkarovska
Faculty of natural science and mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Orce Popovski
University Goce Delcev Stip, Macedonia
Elisaveta Stikova
Institute of public health of Republic of Macedonia

Published 2018-11-12


  • atomic absorption spectrometry, toxic elements, rice, wheat flour, flour products, all-day meal.

How to Cite

Todorovska N, Dinevska-Kjofkarovska S, Popovski O, Stikova E. Toxic elements in rice, wheat flour and wheat flour products from the macedonian market . Arch Pub Health [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];10(2):58-63. Available from: https://id-press.eu/aph/article/view/2244


The safety of the cereal products is of high nutritional and toxicological interest, since the cereal industry and its products have a big economic and social importance worldwide. In this pilot research the presence and the content of toxic trace elements arsenic, cadmium and lead in three samples of rice: 11,67+5,69mg/kg, 25,67+6,43mg/kg, 47,67+18,01mg/kg for As, Cd and Pb respectively, wheat flour: 7+5mg/kg, 9+1,73mg/kg, 69,92+16,92mg/kg and flour products (bread: 9,33+2,08mg/kg, 6,67+0,58mg/kg, 36+3,6mg/kg, pasta: 1,61+1,15mg/kg, 2,67+2,08mg/kg, 30+7mg/kg and tea biscuits: 4,67+4,04mg/kg, 1,33+0,58mg/kg, 53+9,64mg/kg for As, Cd and Pb respectively) produced by three different manufacturers from Macedonia was determined by applying the hydride generation and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with wet digestion. In this research the contribution to the average daily intake for toxic elements through daily intake of cereal and cereal products (20% of the all-day meal) has been determined. The contribution of As (9,86%), Cd (10,02%) and Pb (11,39%) compared to the average daily intake and the PTDI was low, which indicates that these products are safe for consumption concerning the examined toxic elements. The levels of the toxic elements in the samples of Macedonian rice, wheat flour, bread, pasta and tea biscuits are comparable to those obtained from various parts of the world and their consumption does not pose any health risks.


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