Evaluation of the influence of alcoholism as a social-medical factor on the occurrence of brain hemorrhages
Published 2019-04-06
- alcoholism,
- brain hemorrhages,
- hypertension,
- atherosclerosis,
- risk factors
- public health aspect ...More
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Purpose of the paper: To determine the effect of alcohol consumption on the emergence and treatment of hypertensive brain hemorrhages and the harmful effects on morbidity and mortality of patients. Material and methods: A retrospective study of 61 patients was performed at the University Clinic of Neurosurgery from 2011 to 2016 with various manifestations of brain bleeding. Patients were divided into 2 groups: with and without emphasized risk factors. In the group with emphasized risk factors 15 examinees consumed alcohol. The following variables were examined: sex, age, bleeding volume, compression, the outcome of treatment and functional mobility. Results: The results indicate that alcoholism significantly affects the onset of brain bleeding, especially in patients who consume more than 200 ml of alcohol per day. The most likely cause is liver damage and hemostasis disorder. Conclusion: Alcoholism as a socio-medical factor has a significant role in the occurrence of brain hemorrhages.
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