Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015): Archives of Public Health
Public Health

Attitudes for preparing for retirement of the primary health care workers from the Skopje region

Published 2017-07-01

How to Cite

Геразова-Мујчин (Gerazova-Mujchin) Искра (Iskra). Attitudes for preparing for retirement of the primary health care workers from the Skopje region. Arch Pub Health [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];7(1):13-20. Available from: https://id-press.eu/aph/article/view/950


Background: Preparing for retirement is one of the key elements of transition from the period of active working to the period of retirement in the developed countries.

Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the attitudes for preparing for retirement of the health care workers (HCW) from private and public sector of the primary care from the Skopje region.

Material and methods: We performed a cross-sectional study including 200 HCW (doctors and nurses/technicians) in their pre-retirement period (i.e. the last five years of their employment) from private and public sector of the Primary Health Care (PHC) from the Skopje region. The HCW from private sector (100 examinees) were matched to the HCW from public sector (100 examinees) by age and duration of employment at the actual workplace. The attitudes of the examinees from both groups towards preparing for retirement were assessed by completion of the Questionnaire for preparing activities for retirement.

Results: Majority of the HCW from private and public sector indicated that they needed preparation activities for retirement (81.0% of the private sector HCW and 88.0% of the public sector HCW) and that they were not satisfied with actual preparing for retirement (71.0% of the private sector HCW and 63.0% of the public sector HCW). In addition, majority of the HCW from private and public sector (91.0% and 98.0%, respectively) had no information about organized preparing/planning activities for retirement in R. Macedonia. Organized educational programs performed in the last five years of the employment including all aspects of the retirement were chosen as the best option for retirement preparation by 56.0% of the private sector HCW and 65.0% of the public sector HCW. Majority of the examinees from both groups thought that the educational programs should be performed by experts of different domains (financial, social, health, etc.). There was no significant difference regarding none of the mentioned attitudes between the HCW from private and public sector.

Conclusion: The HCW from both sectors have indicated that preparation activities for retirement are not sufficient, i.e. they indicated a need for organized pre-retirement activities in order to facilitate the period of transition from an active worker to a retired person.


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