Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Archives of Public Health
Clinical Science

Analysis of maternal and obstetric risk factors for premature retinopathy in prematures whose weight was over 1500g and gestational age above 30 week

Igor Isjanovski
University Clinic for Eye Diseases, Faculty of medicine, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Viktor Isjanovski
Faculty of Medicine, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Published 2018-11-12


  • risk factors,
  • retinopathy,
  • premature neonates

How to Cite

Isjanovski I, Isjanovski V. Analysis of maternal and obstetric risk factors for premature retinopathy in prematures whose weight was over 1500g and gestational age above 30 week. Arch Pub Health [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];10(2):64-70. Available from: https://id-press.eu/aph/article/view/2245


Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a major cause of preventable blindness in preterm infants. The incidence of ROP is increasing in developing countries due to increased survival of preterm infants. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a serious complication of prematurity and can lead to blindness unless is recognized and treated early. The aim of our study was to study maternal and obstetric risk factors for ROP. Material and methods: The research was an analytical "Case control" study in the period 2015-2016. The study included 163 premature babies that not meet the criteria of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), with BW more than 1500 g and gestational age more than 30 GW. Mothers were divided into two groups according the newborns with ROP and without. In order to achieve the goals, a two-part survey questionnaire was used, the first part of the questionnaire refers to questions for the mother.  Results: In Vitro Fertilization increases the chance of ROP two times OR=2.1256 (1.1133-4.0585). As independent factors, multiple pregnancies increase the chance of ROP for fourth times OR = 4.0721 (2.3899-9.2511). Preeclampsia acts protective, reduces the chance of occurrence of ROP OR = 0.2147 (0.0706-0.6526). The way of delivery, the number of pregnancies, number of births, alcohol consumption, smoking, narcotics, did not present as risk factors. Conclusions: We should pay attention to the definition of risk factors, their complexity, the development and progression of retinopathy prematurnata and its prevention, because they are just one of the issues facing ophthalmologists and neonatologists throughout his work. The study confirmed the same risk factors that are registered on neonatal premathuruses according to AАО (birth weight below 1500 g and under the 30th gestation week). Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the study, a conclusion and recommendation protocols criteria to screen for ROP to modify, despite inclusion criteria of AAО to include premature neonates in screening for ROP according to the recommendation of neonatologists to increased risk of premature retinopathy, with birth weight over 1500 g and over 30 gestation weeks.


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