Affair and Fraud of Andrew Jeremy Wakefield for Autism

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Slavica Hristomanova-Mitkovska
Mirko Spiroski


Andrew Jeremy Wakefield is a former researcher known for his scientific research paper published in 1998 in which he claimed that there is an association between the combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella and the occurrence of autism and bowel disease. The published paper was controversial and led to huge publicity in the UK. Four years after the publication of the paper, other researchers have failed to replicate the findings of Wakefield and confirm his hypothesis.

In 2004 the newspaper Sunday Times and the journalist Brian Deer investigated his work, and in 2010, the five-member Court of the Chief Medical Council found that the suspicions for fraud are grounded, including four cases of dishonesty and twelve cases concerning abuse of children with disabilities in the development.

During the following years new charges were added to these initial charges. Researches aimed at proving fraud is still ongoing and still revealing new evidences against Wakefield.


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Hristomanova-Mitkovska S, Spiroski M. Affair and Fraud of Andrew Jeremy Wakefield for Autism. Maced Med Electron J [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];1(1):1-4. Available from:
Clinical Medicine


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